Support with clinical sessions and other support for clients.
This programme aims to provide treatment, care, and support (TCS) services to persons to improve their health outcomes through accessing services. Clients are able to access the services of a medical doctor, registered nurse, psychologist, nutritionist, and adherence counsellors to stay on treatment and become virally suppressed. The provision of living support in the form of emergency shelter, nutritional packages, income generating grant and skills building opportunities goes a far way in helping people living with or affected by HIV to become self-reliant, live in safe stigma free environment and contribute to society in a meaning way.
Reducing Human Rights Related Barriers
This programme aims to support our public awareness and sensitization initiatives to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with or affected by HIV. To reduce stigma and discrimination and lack of accountability among service providers; provision of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to persons with disabilities and key groups of women affected by violence; information dissemination sessions; engagement of media; training workshops in areas such as Gender Equality and Human Rights; as well as in violence against women within the context of HIV.
Orphans and Vulnerably Children (OVC) Programme.
This programme aims to provide financial support to OVCs to minimise obstacles to their educational outcomes through the provision of books, uniforms, stationery, tuition and travel. The programme will furnish OVCs with appropriate education & Life skills to address SRH, HIV & life planning and provide support to parents and caregivers of OVCs to address disclosure and other issues for themselves and their children.
Support our HIV Testing and other STI screening services.
This programme is geared towards increasing awareness about HIV, AIDS, and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), as well as influencing positive behaviour change. This includes, providing information about JASL, HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and other related issues; offering informational and educational materials, disseminating sexual and reproductive health commodities; offering testing and risk reduction counselling for HIV and other STIs; providing referrals to requisite services including linking people who are HIV positive to care.